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  • Virginia candidates split on personal transit choices

    Rep. Virgil Goode, the incumbent Republican in Virginia’s 5th District, appeared in a Scottsville, Va. Fourth of July parade last week accompanied by a Hummer H3. His opponent in this year’s House race, Tom Perriello (D), appeared on a float pulled by a biodiesel-fueled tractor. Perriello fans put together a video highlighting the candidates’ automotive […]

  • Alice Waters: Dem candidate gets it on food issues

    I read once that during the 1960 presidential campaign, John F. Kennedy met Norman Mailer, already a lion of American letters. If I remember correctly, Kennedy let slip that his favorite novel was Mailer’s The Deer Park — thus establishing his impeccable taste and intellectual rigor in the eyes of that mercurial novelist. Mailer went […]

  • Oil in the ocean: light as a feather!

    “These [oil] firms have learned a lot over the past two decades and three decades about their ability to go out and put a platform in water and extract oil and do it in a way that they’re not causing any environmental harm at all.” — White House deputy press secretary Tony Fratto

  • New Obama ad knocks McCain’s energy policy

    Barack Obama’s campaign has released a new ad to counter those from the Republican National Committee criticizing his energy plan. Obama’s ad, called “New Energy,” accuses opponent John McCain of being “part of the problem” and hits on his support of drilling and tax breaks for oil companies. The ad says that energy independence is […]

  • Dave heads to where the hills are alive

    Listen Play "Prelude," from The Sound of Music On Wednesday, I leave for Salzburg, Austria, where — thanks to the generosity of a Knight Foundation Fellowship — I will be attending a session of the Salzburg Global Seminar on "Combating Climate Change at Local and Regional Levels: Sustainable Strategies, Renewable Energy." I am of course […]

  • Wall*E

    I saw Wall•E the other day with my kids and I found it absolutely rapturous, particularly the first half-hour or so. I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up nominated for Best Picture. Not only is it a creative triumph, but it manages to convey “lessons” (ugh) about “environmental stewardship” (ugh) in a way that […]

  • RNC drops $3 million to promote McCain’s energy plan

    Over the weekend, the Republican National Committee launched their 10-day, $3 million campaign to tout John McCain’s energy policy with this ad: “Record gas prices, a climate in crisis. John McCain says solve it now,” says the ad. “With a balanced plan — alternative energy, conservation, suspending the gas tax and more production here at […]

  • Venture capitalist John Doerr shares four lessons on climate change

    I don’t know how it is that I’ve never seen this John Doerr talk from TED, but I’m glad I finally did: