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  • Make a video on how to improve the world

    Davos. You know, the big important event to which you and I aren't invited? Well, if you have a suggestion for the world's leaders on how to make the world a better place, YouTube is sponsoring a contest and the winner gets a free, all-expense-paid trip. The winning video, that is. Not you. You still aren't invited.

    Hat tip to Project Better Place, who submitted this spot-on if treacly video:

  • Grist presidential climate forum: full transcript and video

    Last week, I offered my impressions of the candidates at our presidential forum on climate. Now the complete transcript (PDF) and full video are available. Make your own judgments and share your own impressions in comments. (This video will be permanently available here.) You can embed the videos on your own site: If you’d like […]

  • Lots of good answers

    I haven’t watched all of the YouTube/CNN Democratic debate yet. Early reviews are good, and from what I’ve seen it was unusually substantive and spontaneous, but I agree with Josh Marshall that some of the cutesy videos tarnished the dignity of the proceedings a bit. There were three questions on energy and environment. How can […]

  • Mystery ads

    There’s a series of very strange political videos out recently on YouTube. They parody Republicans, but purport to be campaign ads for Rudy Giuliani. Nobody knows who’s making them, or why. So mysterious! This one’s mildly amusing on global warming and oil: (h/t: reader KW)

  • A video compilation

    The South Carolina debate among Democratic presidential candidates on Thursday didn’t exactly light my fire, but there were some decent bits. LCV’s Heat Is On program is rounding up all sorts of good YouTube clips relating to global warming, and they’ve got a cut together video of every mention of climate change in the debate:

  • I couldn’t do it

    While I was wandering around on YouTube I stumbled across a segment from CNBC featuring Ana Unruh Cohen, Director of Environmental Policy at the Center for American Progress and periodic Gristmill contributor, squaring off with Ben Lieberman from the Heritage Foundation. The subject was possible changes in energy policy under the new Democratic Congress. Watch it:

  • A cool new ad campaign from Victoria, Australia

    This article, in which Al Gore lays out his basic position on nukes, contains nothing much new. He's said it all before in, among other places, our interview.

    Thanks to Gristmill reader LA, however, for drawing my attention to this intriguing final bit:

    Mr Gore ... yesterday met with [Victoria, Australia] Premier Steve Bracks and his deputy John Thwaites. He described Victoria as forward thinking on climate change and said he would take a number of local initiatives back to the United States.

    He was particularly impressed with the Bracks Government's "black balloons" advertising campaign, which links household energy usage with the amount of carbon dioxide it releases into the air.

    "I'm going to take that ad back and show it to some folks there, maybe put it on YouTube," he said.

    Well, I don't know if Gore put it there, but the ad's on YouTube now. Here it is:

  • Lots more

    The folks at the League of Conservation Voters -- who are not at all milquetoast, but rather courageous and heroic! -- found a bunch more green campaign ads in addition to the ones I talked about here. A whopping 122 of them, in fact. They've put together a playlist on YouTube, which you can browse in the player below.