The new short film Empty Handed: Responding to the Demand for Contraceptives showcases the plight of women in Uganda who want birth control but are being failed by a dysfunctional distribution system.  The average Ugandan woman will give birth to 6.7 children — that’s the second-highest fertility rate in the world, behind only Niger.  The film, produced by Population Action International, debuted earlier this month.

Watch the trailer (1:45):

Empty Handed Short from Population Action International on Vimeo.

Or watch the full short film (8:27):

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

Empty Handed from Population Action International on Vimeo.

Then read an op-ed by the filmmaker, Nathan Golon.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

And my interview with Suzanne Ehlers, president of Population Action International.


Read more about population and the option of going childfree: