College students tell it straight about the need for Planned Parenthood:

Choice bits from the video:

young woman holding "i have sex" sign

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We want to stay educated and safe and plan for our own futures.
Planned Parenthood costs $75 million.
Tax breaks for oil companies cost $2.5 BILLION.

Cut corporate welfare.
Cut corporate entitlements.
Save Planned Parenthood.

They’re right that the federal government allocates $75 million a year to Planned Parenthood to provide family planning to low-income Americans, but they’ve drastically understated welfare to the oil industry. We subsidize oil companies in so many ways that it’s near impossible to quantify, but we know they get a helluva lot more than $2.5 billion a year. Consider, for starters, that a bill in the U.S. House would cut $40 billion in oil-company subsidies over five years.


Meanwhile, the GOP assault on Planned Parenthood and reproductive rights is ongoing, but it does seems to be losing steam as moderate Republicans balk at the extreme positions of right-wingers. John McCain’s former advisor Mark McKinnon warns, “It’s overreaching, and it’s why Republicans get a bad name with many independent voters and women.” Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) came out in support of the Title X family-planning program, and her GOP colleague Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) went even further by voicing her support for Planned Parenthood. Some pro-life Democrats are also rejecting the attack on reproductive-health programs. 

But as the budget battle in D.C. drags on, Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) and his fellow anti-choice zealots don’t want to back down, so supporters of reproductive rights and family planning can’t back down either. Props to Wesleyan Uncut, the student group that put together the “I Have Sex” video, for keeping the issue in the public eye and the Twitterverse.

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This is the latest in a series of Saturday GINK videos about population and reproduction (or a lack thereof).

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