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  • And if I could work another 7 in there, I would

    The Live Earth website has been updated with a fancy (and much improved) new design that features a different “Climate Crisis Solution” every time you refresh the page (not that I’ve refreshed it multiple times in an effort to see every single tip …). And lately, news tidbits about the concerts are popping up fast […]

  • Quoting some scripture

    It seems appropriate that we consider the death of Jerry Falwell in the spirit by which he lived -- on a "higher level ... the Biblical perspective" -- and take a peek into what the Bible has to say about climate change as well.

  • Umbra on fighting pests with pests

    Dear Umbra, I have a pest problem in my backyard — specifically, some tiny (but apparently hungry) insect is making lace out of my basil leaves. I do not want to use pesticides for many reasons, not the least of which is that I cook with the herbs I grow. I think I have found […]

  • What would you like to ask him?

    Tomorrow, I’m sitting down for a chat with Paul Hawken, author, entrepreneur, and environmental legend. We’ll be discussing, among other things, his new book Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming. (If you’re in Seattle tomorrow, you can see Hawken at a Grist-sponsored […]

  • Friday music blogging comes to Grist

    I’ve decided that green or no green, I’m going to start getting some music up on this blog. Every blog needs some music, right? I’ve been digging on the new Modest Mouse album We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank. Here’s “Parting of the Sensory,” from which this post’s title comes. And in other […]

  • Making public transit work

    sky trainGreater Vancouver leads the Northwest in transit ridership, with somewhere between two and three times as many annual bus and train rides per person as Portland and Seattle.

    So the obvious question: How come? Why does Vancouver do so much better in transit statistics than its southern neighbors?

  • How best to pitch the climate change message?

    Mike Hulme of the UK’s Tyndall Centre says — yet again — that the language of "catastrophe" and "disaster" used by climate-change scientists and advocates is having the opposite of its intended effect: it’s making people numb and apathetic. I more or less buy this — I did, after all, write a five-part series arguing […]

  • Live Aid guy disses Gore’s Live Earth concerts

    Here’s what Live Aid and Live 8 organizer Bob Geldoff had to say about Gore’s Live Earth concerts: “I hope they’re a success,” De Volkskrant newspaper quoted Geldof as saying in an interview. “But why is (Gore) actually organizing them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect? Everybody’s known about that problem for years. […]

  • Green the Pope way

    That’s the Vatican’s green vision.

  • Who says scientists aren’t funny?

    RealClimate has an extended satire against climate denier use of false correlation=causation logic to argue for solar cycles as the main cause of global warming. As humor with extended charts and co-efficients of correlation go, it is quite funny. However, I must admit that an exchange between two commenters on the post was much funnier: