Climate Culture
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Patriot Games
When America entered World War II, the folks at home reduced, reused, and recycled in the name of patriotism. Now, as we enter a new war, it’s time to do the same, says David Hochschild, coordinator of San Francisco’s successful solar power initiative, in an op-ed co-authored by his mother, well-known writer Arlie Hochschild. Because […]
How the bear inside you could save the world
“Sobs racked the body of a middle-aged man as he cradled the head of his baby, its dust-covered body dressed only in a blue diaper, lying beside the bodies of three other children, their colorful clothes layered with debris from their shattered homes.” I held this sentence, from a Reuters report on the civilian casualties […]
Put a Radioactive Fork in It
A proposal by the U.S. Department of Energy to recycle radioactive steel did not go over well with environmentalists and other concerned citizens in Minneapolis yesterday. The DOE is considering a plan to recycle slightly contaminated scrap metal from its research and weapons facilities. The recycled steel would then be used in consumer goods from […]