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Clean energy: Still a wedge issue that favors Democrats
In his interview with Rolling Stone, Obama suggests that Republican politicians are out of touch with Republican voters. Democrats could exploit that weakness on the issue of renewable energy.
A live chat with green-jobs guru Van Jones
Green economy pioneer Van Jones chatted with David Roberts and Grist readers. Check out a replay of the conversation.
Fossil-fuel subsidies are the real job killers
Big Oil accuses environmentalists of killing jobs, but behind the scenes the oil industry is laying off thousands of workers and undermining our entire economy.
People power: Crowdfunding fires up local solar projects
To fund community-scale solar power installation, the company Solar Mosaic has created a website that allows people to invest even small sums. It’s a surprisingly smart idea.
If everyone used as much energy as Americans, we’d run out of oil in 9 years
Unlike gluttonous American industry, Europe's most profitable companies plan to make even more money by getting ahead of this whole peak oil trend.
Everything that is good for the environment is a job
Solar panels don’t put themselves up. Houses don’t retrofit themselves. Farmers markets don’t run themselves. Green projects could give the economy a major boost, Van Jones argues in his new book.
A bright green future for Kansas City [VIDEO]
The story of one neighborhood in Kansas City shows how investment in sustainability can transform entire communities.
Wilderness therapist: Good job or BEST job?
Wilderness therapy involves taking kids out into nature. Which, some studies suggest, is not only beneficial for children with difficulties like ADHD, but might actually be necessary for most of us to remain productive and functional human beings.
Chinese cheaters? U.S. slaps modest tariffs on solar panels from China
American solar-panel manufacturers have complained that the Chinese are crushing them with underpriced, over-subsidized panels -- and now the U.S. Commerce Department officially agrees.
Florida missed out on $41 million a year by turning down high-speed rail
When Florida Gov. Rick Scott turned down $2 billion in federal money to build a high speed rail line between Tampa and Orlando, one of his arguments was that it would be a burden on the state. But documents obtained by the Tampa Tribune indicate that independent consultants found the system would be turning a […]