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Ad claims tar-sands oil will save women
A group called Ethical Oil, the brainchild of neocon Alykhan Velshi, is running an ad touting Keystone XL as the savior of women in Saudi Arabia. Because suddenly conservatives care about women's rights.
Chinese cheaters? How China dominates solar
Chinese companies overwhelm the solar manufacturing sector. Could they be using predatory pricing to squash the competition?
Chris Christie met with Koch brother before pulling out of climate pact
Tape of a secret meeting between Christie and one of the Koch brothers sheds light on Christie's decision to pull out of a regional climate initiative.
The Dalai Lama and other Peace Prize winners ask Obama to reject Keystone XL
If Obama won't listen to the Tar Sands Action protesters, will he listen to nine of his fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureates? Because they've all but told him -- in their very kind and Peace-Prizey way -- that they'll be embarrassed to share the medal with him if he doesn't.
Nine laureates, including the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, have written Obama a letter urging him to nix the pipeline.
What comes next for the Tar Sands Action
Together we managed to make this a central environmental test for the administration. We've laid the groundwork for a mighty victory -- now we have to make it pay off.
Missouri puts payoff of local power in peril
The Missouri legislature's move to jeopardize the state's renewable energy standard misses the huge economic benefits of local clean energy.
Don’t tell Bachmann, but lightbulb standards were a Republican idea
Republicans have been whining about the Obama administration’s liberty-squashing decision to phase out inefficient incandescent bulbs in favor of CFLs, LEDs, and (surprise!) more efficient incandescent bulbs. But (double surprise!) the idea of requiring efficient lightbulbs sprang fully-formed from the head of a Republican, Michigan Rep. Fred Upton.
Critical List: Romney’s down with coal; Iran starts up a nuclear plant
Mitt Romney, in a desperate attempt to fit in, says he wants to burn more coal.
Iran's making nuclear power. There’s no way that could go wrong!
But worldwide, renewables are beating out nuclear in terms of installed capacity.
Jevons paradox: When doing more with less isn't enough
The 19th-century theory that increased energy efficiency just leads to increased consumption is experiencing a resurgence. But we shouldn't let Jevons Paradox serve as an excuse for inaction.
Separating fact from fiction on the Keystone XL
Both sides of the oil sands debate exaggerate their arguments. The oil sands are neither a climate catastrophe nor an energy security bonanza.