Climate Energy
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Romney calls for an end to key wind energy credit
When the production tax credit for wind energy expires at the end of the year, it could cost tens of thousands of jobs.
TransCanada gets final OK for last leg of Keystone pipeline down middle of U.S.
The northern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline is in limbo, but the southern leg is moving right along.
Medal-less Germany generates 25 percent of electricity from renewables
But generates zero gold, silver, or bronze medals in London.
Smelling a leak: Is the natural gas industry buying academics?
Authors of pro-fracking studies are coming under fire for their cozy relationships with the fossil fuel industry.
Mountaintop-removal mining contaminated up to 22% of streams in southern West Va.
A mining area of 600 square miles has polluted as much as 1,700 miles of streams.
Fracking takes a hit in Penn., while most states still do little to regulate
Meanwhile, anti-fracking activists are descending on D.C. for a weekend protest -- with banjos in tow.
Here’s another episode of ‘Shell Tries Drilling in the Arctic’
In this episode, Shell still hasn't drilled anything -- and time may be running out!
Today in coal: Americans hate it, India hates it, Siberia hates it
You hate it. I hate it. We all hate it for ... ice ... cream. (Oops, that didn't work.)
Mr. Romney thinks we should give big oil companies another $3.8 billion a year in tax breaks
Romney is giving oil executives a good reason to vote for him. (Making, by our count, 465,361 such reasons.)
Good news for ExxonMobil investors!
The company made more in one hour over the last three months than three average college grads will make in their lifetimes.