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Coal company changes its mind about sworn testimony, decides a big pile of coal ash outside is just fine
Prairie State does a little tiptoe around democracy and its promises about coal-ash disposal.
Keystone XL is basically your douchey ex-boyfriend
What would Keystone XL look like as a human being? Probably how he's portrayed in this video.
Uncommon headlines: Rising Republican star (Chris Christie!) embraces solar
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signs a big solar bill, demonstrating the bipartisan value in supporting renewables.
U.S. lays out the welcome mat for solar on public lands
By identifying 17 sites in the West for solar installation, the government hopes to vastly increase the supply of renewable energy.
What I left out when I wrote about lowball renewable energy projections
My recent post about off-base energy projections glossed over the main reason that renewable energy has grown faster than predicted: policy. Good policy works!
Another reason to bug out: Drought puts electrical production at risk
Traditional fossil-fuel-based power generation requires an enormous amount of water. No water, no power.
We’re ripping up our mountains to ship coal overseas. Maybe we shouldn’t?
New research demonstrates the scale of American coal exports and the cost we pay. Happily, we're not entirely powerless.
A tragicomic tale of coal industry incompetence and disregard
Watch, as the operators of the Reid Gardner coal plant in Nevada are asked about coal ash and reveal astonishing levels of both insensitivity and incompetence.
GOP tries to block black-lung protections. Big Tobacco would be proud
As always, Big Tobacco leads the way in developing innovative arguments about why their profits are more important than the people they kill.
Chevron announces plans to begin drilling in a free Iraq
Somewhere, George W. Bush breathes a sigh of relief.