Photo by Kate Black.

New York food truck 666 Burger might have a sorta edgy name (although guys? This cough syrup got there before you), but apparently they are catering to the bourgeoisie. Or maybe they’re just catering to people who like to make fun of the bourgeoisie, I can’t even tell anymore. The point is, the truck sells a $666 burger called the Doucheburger, and it’s full — appropriately — of things you will only eat if you’re a douche. (Okay, so … making fun. Right? SO MANY WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS.)

Photo by Kate Black.

So, here’s what’s in the Doucheburger: Vinegar and water. Ha ha, hilarious douche joke! No? Okay. Actually it’s a Kobe beef patty, stuffed with foie gras and covered in gold leaf; topped with caviar, lobster, truffles, kopi luwak (expensive weasel poo) coffee barbecue sauce, and Gruyere “melted with champagne steam” (what even is that); sent to an Ivy League university for four years; and finally married off to the prince of Monaco. This burger is so fancy it knows which fork to use to eat itself.

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Photo by Kate Black.

Photographer Kate Black took these pics of the Doucheburger production process. The gilding part is particularly photogenic, though probably the least gastronomically valid part of the whole endeavor. She described the final product as “fucking delicious,” but I refuse to believe it, because I’ve seen Kate Black around Twitter and she’s definitely not a douche.

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See more and larger pics, including photos of cute girls eating this monstrosity, at Kate Black’s Tumblr.