After a months-long dry spell, Sainsbury’s has decided to settle. The British grocery store chain tells the Guardian that it’s given up on trying to land the most beautiful specimens out there, and it’s willing to pick up a few ugly vegetables.

“They have great personality,” says store manager.

According to the Guardian, vegetables no longer need perfect skin or a pleasant visage to make the cut. “Knobbly carrots, wonky spuds, bent courgettes and discoloured cauliflowers” are all on the table. Strawberries may be “a little smaller than usual.” Peas may be muddy.

People who have been arguing that beauty is on the inside are thrilled:

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The move by Sainsbury’s has delighted food and poverty campaigners who have long argued that rejecting good food on aesthetic rather than on nutritional grounds is morally wrong and also increases prices.

It’s like the Berenstain Bears taught us: “You can’t always tell from that outside which are the ‘bad apples.'” The lumpy one might taste good. The smooth one might have a worm. Apparently this was supposed to be a metaphor about strangers, but I always remembered it as a lesson in not judging fruit too harshly.

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