From the people who brought you such hits as The Story of Stuff and The Story of Change comes a new video in which well-informed stick figures contemplate some of the troubles facing our planet. This time, Annie Leonard and her merry band of sketchers turn our attention to the ways in which the solutions to our dauntingly huge environmental and economic problems might be approached.

The key, says Leonard, is to change the goal of the game from the abstract and unsustainable “More,” to the objective of “Better.” Unless you are one of those people who think of those words as synonyms, it’s not hard to see the point. Better for the planet is also, ultimately, better for our communities, our economy, and our health. Now here’s Leonard, making it look so easy:


If you want to watch other upbeat stick people fight for a better future — or educate the cartoon-loving environmental n00b in your own home — check out the rest of the series.

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