Mac Bishop knows that entrepreneurs need to take risks. So, as the founder of Wool&Prince, he wore the prototype of the company’s button-down shirt for 100 straight days:
Each day I attempted to wrinkle and odorize the shirt, but to no avail. In a couple of the more intense tests, such as the five mile runs, I was worried that the shirt wouldn’t revive itself. The entire shirt was damp with sweat and soaked in the pits, chest, and collar. I hung it up over night, said a little prayer, and woke to a fresh shirt in the morning. I’m dead serious. Try it yourself. I put cotton shirts and a synthetic shirt through the same test and the stench was unbearable. Some crazy science stuff going on here.
First of all, ew. Second of all, Wool&Prince hasn’t released many details on the “crazy science stuff” behind this miracle. Well, there’s this:
Sweat itself has no odor, and if it remains on the skin bacteria develop and create unpleasant body odors. Wool reduces the opportunity for odors to generate, because it is more efficient than other textiles at absorbing sweat and evaporating it into the air.
If that were sufficient explanation, though, sheep probably wouldn’t smell so bad. So this shirt’s magical properties are possibly just some crazy marketing. If it’s true, though, just think about how much a guy could save on water, energy, and cleaning bills. Plus, you’d need only two shirts, maximum. Only one if you’re OK with topless laundry.
If you like to change what you wear, perhaps this is not for you. But if you’re the type of person who eats the same lunch every single day because it’s easier, put in for two of these things now and never think about what you’re wearing again.