As a rule, we are 100 percent on board with technology inspired by nature. But this DARPA-backed robot that runs like a cheetah — it’s named WildCat — is a wee bit terrifying.

Right now, it can run 16 mph, which is slower than Usain Bolt and the top theoretical running speed of humans. So maybe, maaaaaaybe, you could outrun this thing for a couple of minutes. Plus, you know, it’s mechanical, so you have to figure it’ll run out of juice at some point? This is maybe the only technology in the world we hope doesn’t begin to run on solar power.

But, really, who are we kidding? In 20 years, no one’s ever going to steal anything because if you do a terrifying solar-powered cheetah-robot will come galloping after you and probably kill you dead. If you want a picture of the future, imagine getting pounced on by this thing forever.