When it comes to sweeping carbon regulation, America often seems like a house divided. But there’s one area where we agree by a wide margin: 78 percent of Americans support efforts by the auto industry to reduce vehicle carbon dioxide emissions, according to this survey [PDF] by the Mellman Group. Their data also finds almost three-quarters of voters strongly in favor of higher fuel efficiency standards — and we could get them on September 30, when the EPA and Department of Transportation are expected to release a joint ruling raising fuel economy requirements to between 47 and 62 miles per gallon (MPG), starting with 2017 model vehicles.

We can help reach the far end of that goal by putting our voice to paper (and pixel). In hopes that enough public support could sway the EPA-DOT to land on a number at the higher end of the fuel efficiency spectrum, the Pew Clean Energy Program launched a campaign this week to convince President Obama to increase fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks to 60 MPG by 2025. Their “Increase my MPG” effort aims to keep the pressure on Obama to fulfill campaign promises to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Go60MPG, a coalition of several green groups, is making the same demand.

Pew cites polls showing that Americans want to drive further on a tank of gas (who knew?!). For any non-oil-execs still unconvinced of the benefits of higher MPG, you can watch the busy mom in this Pew video do the math for you:

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