ronnie44052Sen. John and Meghan McCain.
In 2008, the Republican Party rallied around its candidate for president, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — a decorated war hero and advocate for strong action against climate change.
It’s not a surprise that his daughter has picked up the torch. Last night, as the winds from megastorm Sandy were just starting to calm, Meghan McCain tweeted:
So are we still going to go with climate change not being real fellow republicans?
— Meghan McCain (@McCainBlogette) October 30, 2012
The answer, apparently, was “yes.”
Right-wing blogs and commenters immediately jumped all over the younger McCain.
From Twitchy.com, the creepily named blog/website of Michelle Malkin:
Oh, honey. Poor Meggie Mac must be feeling ignored. So, she took to Twitter, as she likes to do, to troll for attention in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. At least this time, she didn’t troll with her boobs.
It’s all about her, you see. Devastating storm affecting millions? Whatever! Meghan McCain has attention-seeking concern trolling to do!
Twitchy then curates a selected collection of “zingers” McCain received in response to her tweet. Things like, “Ah, well, I see @McCainBlogette hopped on climate change train. Do people just not read history at all anymore? Word: krakatoa. Word: Hugo,” and “When has earth’s climate ever been constant? Do you truly believe Earth’s climate should be void of storms?” I will assume that both of those people are scientists or historians or science-historians. (They are clearly not logicians.)
Fox Nation, the unshackled id of the News Corp. World, picked up a story from The Hill. “The Nation,” as the site dubs itself, allows visitors to rate a post. The story about McCain was deemed “obnoxious.”
The comments at the site range from offensive to dumb and back. One example: “Go away! Anyway, it’s prophesied the Earth will be destroyed by fire, so let’s all get used to the heat!” Not entirely certain which side that person is coming down on.
Pajamas Media (now known as PJ Media because it’s mature) offers a simple: “Meghan McCain, still an idiot.”
It’s not just Republicans who doubt the political taxation campaign that has come to be called “climate change.” (The climate itself does change, as it always has and always will until the Sun burns out. That’s not politics, it’s science. But “climate changes,” as it has become a political issue, is hokum.)
“It’s science.” Science just died of embarrassment.
And, finally, Breitbart.com.
But [Al Gore and Gov. Cuomo] were lightweights compared to the real specialist: Meghan McCain, simpleton daughter of Sen. John McCain. “”So are we still going to go with climate change not being real fellow republicans [sic]?”
If it’s good enough for Meghan McCain, we should all follow suit. After all, she writes short phrases for the Daily Beast.
According to web-analytics tool Alexa, the Daily Beast gets far more traffic than Breitbart.com.
Meghan McCain wasn’t the only McCain tweeting last night. Shortly before Sandy made landfall, Meghan’s mother, Cindy, tweeted:
San Diego is gorgeous this time of year! I’m in heaven!
The tweet has since been deleted.