Climate Politics
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European SUV backlash spreads Beads of sweat are gathering on the foreheads of European automakers, as a backlash against sport utility vehicles spreads across the continent. Several countries have passed or are weighing measures that could hurt SUV sales. London Mayor Ken Livingstone displayed his usual delicacy when he referred to SUV drivers as “complete […]
All Quiet on the Rocky Mountain Front
Bush administration cancels plans to drill in Rocky Mountain Front The Bush administration announced yesterday that it will suspend plans to drill for oil and gas in Montana’s beloved Rocky Mountain Front pending a comprehensive study of the area — a study that will not begin until 2007 and will last at least two years, […]
It’s Worse Than You Think
Energy bill a prime example of legislative process run amok The Boston Globe is running a three-part series on how the Republicans now in control of Congress are reshaping the legislative process. It ain’t pretty. Part two follows the path of the massive (and currently stalled) energy bill, which began with closed-door meetings of the […]
Terry Tempest Williams sends dispatches from an election-season tour
Acclaimed author Terry Tempest Williams is currently on the road for a cross-country “Open Space of Democracy Tour” sponsored by Orion Magazine and Orion Books, publisher of her most recent book, The Open Space of Democracy. Photo: Mark Babushkin. Wednesday, 6 Oct 2004 SALT LAKE CITY, Utah When two young Canadians embarked on an extraordinary […]
Who You Gonna Believe, Us or Some “Inspector”?
EPA inspector general blasts Bush admin’s power-plant rules The U.S. EPA came under harsh criticism yesterday from environmental fringe extremists … oh, wait, no … actually, from its own top investigative official. The agency’s inspector general issued a scathing report saying that enforcement of clean-air laws has been crippled by the Bush administration’s decision to […]
Please Hold for the Next Available Wildlife Protection
Bush administration puts Forest Service wildlife protections on hold The Bush administration issued a temporary rule yesterday suspending strict wildlife protections used by national forest managers since 1982. That year, the Reagan administration instructed forest managers in the U.S. Forest Service to maintain “viable populations” of fish and wildlife. Since then, the viability rule has […]
Fish Wrap
Kerry’s struggle with fishery policy illustrates his strengths and weaknesses The Seattle Times wraps up its excellent week-long series on the presidential candidates’ environmental stances with a story on John Kerry’s long struggle with fishery policy in the senator’s home state, Massachusetts. It’s a revealing case study of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. On the […]
Parky Pig
National park funding determined by political clout rather than need At a time when three-quarters of national parks are having their base budgets cut and park advocates are crying out about the desperate need for more funding, it may gall many enviros to find out how capricious and politically motivated park funding really is. Consider […]
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Love Ya, Tomorrow
Bush administration postpones action on enviro issues until after election The Bush administration is pushing off a number of controversial environment-related moves until after the election. For example: Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham had requested a report from the National Petroleum Council on how to boost U.S. oil-refining capacity, to be released tomorrow. The U.S. EPA […]
When Geeks Attack
Another group of scientists to campaign against Bush Scientists and Engineers for Change, a 527 advocacy group unveiled yesterday, plans to send scientists on speaking gigs in swing states to argue that the Bush administration disregards and distorts science — in many cases, science relating to serious environmental problems. “We must begin to address climate […]