Climate Politics
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Bush administration proposal would give BLM more incentive to sell off public lands
Your red rocks, in Utah. Photo: BLM. The old Woody Guthrie ballad “This Land Is Your Land” has been reinterpreted in more ways than one recently. There was the hilarious campaign parody cartoon that exploded virally throughout the Internet last month, in which the “liberal wiener” (John Kerry) and “right-wing nut job” (George W. Bush) […]
Illinois Senate candidate Barack Obama’s got green cred
Barack Obama. Photo: David Katz/Obama for Illinois. As if America needs one more reason to fall in love with Barack Obama. Beyond the unabashed idealism, stirring oratory skills, touching life story, and knee-buckling smile that have made this candidate for Illinois’ open Senate seat the new beau ideal of progressive politics, it so happens that […]
Environmentalism takes the stage at the Democratic National Convention
Where it’s all goin’ down. Photo: DNC. Environmentalism is descending on the Democratic National Convention this week in the form of biodegradable balloons and recycled confetti — and that’s just the beginning. All of the electricity powering the festivities is coming from renewable sources or an onsite fuel-cell generator. Local Massachusetts farms are supplying food […]
Stephen Hendricks reviews Been Brown so Long It Looked Like Green to Me by Jeffrey St. Clair
Ask 10 environmentalists and 9 will tell you George W. Bush has been worse for the planet than Bill Clinton -- and they would be wrong. In their error lies much that is ill in the environmental movement (if "movement" it can be called) and shows how long are the odds against righting the wrongs of the industrial economy.
Dems block anti-enviro Bush judicial nominee, and the conservatives are lovin’ it
When Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) fell seven votes short on Tuesday of forcing a confirmation vote on Bush judicial nominee William G. Myers III — widely considered the most anti-environment judicial candidate Bush has ever put forward — it might have seemed like a big blow to the GOP. But Frist and his […]
Ray Vaughan, an environmental lawyer, answers questions
Ray Vaughan. With what environmental organization are you affiliated? I am executive director of WildLaw. What does your organization do? What, in a perfect world, would constitute “mission accomplished”? WildLaw is a nonprofit environmental law firm that represents hundreds of community, environmental, and conservation organizations around the country. We work mainly in the Southeast, but […]
How does John Edwards stack up on the environment?
Edwards and Kerry hit the campaign trail. Photo: Kerry for President. When John Edwards was tapped to be John Kerry‘s veep last week, everyone interested in ousting Bush erupted into convulsions of praise — and the enviros were no exception. “An excellent choice that sends a clear message about the need for change and renewed […]
Bush administration plans to scrap roadless-rule forest protections
Many political observers thought President Bush would lay off the environment during the election season. After all, he faces an opponent with a well-burnished rep as an environmental good boy. Seems they’ve misunderestimated Dubya yet again. Ann Veneman. Photo: USDA. On Monday, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman announced a Bush administration plan to scrap the hard-won […]
EPA chief Mike Leavitt hits the swing states
Leavitt, alone. Photo: U.S. EPA. Have a look at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Mike Leavitt‘s calendar over the last several months and you’ll notice that it appears to be in lockstep with the Karl Rove playbook. “I’d hardly call it coincidence,” said Beth Viola, a leading environmental strategist for the Kerry campaign, “that after […]
Frist sides with right-wingers to stymie widely supported sea treaty
How’s this for a once-in-a-blue-moon scenario? Six major environmental groups endorse a sweeping international treaty strongly supported by the American Petroleum Institute and other industry groups. Do you sea what I sea? Photo: NOAA. On May 12, top dogs from the Natural Resources Defense Council, National Environmental Trust, Ocean Conservancy, and three other green organizations […]