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  • Enviros raise dollars, and dazzle, for the 2004 presidential elections

    Last Wednesday, more than 500 well-heeled Beltway Democrats mingled over drinks and crab dip within the stately mahogany-paneled walls of the Old Ebbitt Grill, just yards from the White House, to celebrate the launch of Environment2004 — a media campaign aiming to shred President Bush’s environmental credibility (such as it is) just in time for […]

  • Kerry the Day

    Kerry Bashes Bush on Environment and Outlines Eco-Plan Senator and presidential contender John Kerry (D-Mass.) came out swinging on the environment yesterday, urging the public to rise up against President Bush’s policies on water, land, air, and energy. “George Bush is the kind of politician who would cut down a tree and then climb on […]

  • Sludge Not Lest Ye Be Sludged

    Bush Administration Won’t Regulate Farm Dioxins Nothing will get in the way of farmers using dioxin-tainted sewage sludge as fertilizer on their crops, thanks to a Bush administration decision announced on Friday. The U.S. EPA declared that it sees no need to regulate dioxins in sewage sludge that is applied to land in the U.S., […]

  • Law-mowers

    Republicans in Congress Try to Undermine California’s Environmental Laws Many Republicans argue that the federal government should leave more decisions to the states, but these days they’re abandoning their states’ rights talk when it comes to California — and the state’s environment could suffer as a result. The GOP-controlled Congress is trying to undermine a […]

  • Enviros berate Bush apologist for inaccurate L.A. Times op-ed

    On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times published an editorial by the widely known environmental gadfly Gregg Easterbrook — a senior editor at the New Republic and a fellow at the Brookings Institution — who set out to roast (or rather deep-fry) critics of the Bush administration’s environmental record. He dismissed charges made by everyone from […]

  • Air Bawl

    States Tighten Air Rules in the Wake of Federal Loosening A number of states and cities are thumbing their noses at the Bush administration’s moves to weaken air-pollution rules by imposing their own stricter regulations. Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and other states, as well as a few cities, announced yesterday that they are making […]

  • Umbra on reversing the tide

    Dear Umbra, I can’t take it! A body-building actor was just elected governor of my state! I’m going to go mad! Then my friend said, “Don’t get mad, get even.” You’ve got to help me — California is crazy, but at least we’ve been setting the standard on some environmental issues. (Not all of them, […]

  • Links and info on candidates, voting, and other election intrigue

      Register to Vote Meet the Candidates What the Polls Say Additional Resources Register to Vote Get off your duff and register to vote! Think you’ve got this one in the bag? Better check twice. Have you moved since the last time you sallied poll-ward? Changed your name? Switched your party of choice? Are you […]

  • A look at state and local races and rumblings around the U.S.

    Click on the map to read about each region. All politics are local, as the saying goes — and so in this section of Grist’s special edition on elections and the environment, we turn our attention away from the federal government to describe some of the ways the environment has made it onto the ballot […]

  • Lessons from the Great Lakes on how enviros can win votes and influence people

    Bush chats up Michiganders in Monroe. Photo: White House. President Bush swooped into Monroe, Mich., in mid-September for an appearance at one of the largest and most polluting coal-fired power plants in the world. As an exploration of his ideas about environmental policy, the visit was completely baffling. (Why go to such a filthy facility? […]