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  • An Iowan causes growing pains for agro-industry

    Kamyar Enshayan is a folk music aficionado and a lifelong soccer fan. He lives in a comfortable house on a shady street in Cedar Falls, Iowa, with his four-year-old daughter, Nettie, and his wife, Laura Jackson, a biology professor at the University of Northern Iowa. They have a large vegetable garden. Laura is expecting their […]

  • Russ Feingold plants seeds in the Senate for more wilderness

    It was a beautiful night spent sitting by a waterfall in the southern Utah wilderness that convinced Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) of the need for more discussion in the Senate about wilderness and public lands issues. “I’ve had the good fortune to sea kayak the Apostle Islands, to canoe the Boundary Waters, and to hike […]

  • What Happened to You, Al Gore?

    If you live in New Hampshire in the months before a presidential primary, you can’t help but get engulfed. Big politicians roll into small towns. TV trucks with satellite dishes squat in the few parking places. Self-absorbed people in suits pace village greens, shouting into cell phones. All this week, as Dartmouth College geared up […]

  • Dammed If He Does, Dammed If He Doesn't

    Last Wednesday’s New York Times featured a full-page ad urging Vice Pres. Al Gore to take a stronger position on dam removal on the lower Snake River in Washington state, a step that enviros believe would improve the survival chances of several salmon species that call the river home. What happens to a decision deferred? […]

  • A longhair stirs up politics in Colorado

    Art Goodtimes is driving my car, and he’s making me a little nervous. Not that he’s a bad driver. But he’s talking Colorado politics, and he’s warming up to the subject. He starts gesturing, and soon he’s taking both hands off the wheel when he particularly wants to make a point. I realize my car’s […]

  • Black Helicopter Watch

    Rarely do environmentalists find much common ground with the libertarian Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C., think tank. But rarely do squabbles get as nasty as they did last week following the posting of an item on Cato adjunct scholar Steven Milloy‘s website concerning David Platt Rall, a noted environmental scientist who died tragically in […]

  • Ad-ing Fuel to the Fire

    Backed by a cash infusion from media mogul Ted Turner’s foundation as well as several other major donors, National Environmental Trust, along with the Union of Concerned Scientists and Physicians for Social Responsibility, kicked off a splashy $8 million ad campaign on global warming this week with three TV spots slated to run on 220 […]

  • Warren Can Wait

    It was a scene about as strange as they come in the perennially strange world of American millennial politics. Neoconservative uber-pundit Arianna Huffington speaking to the hardest of hard-core liberals, Americans for Democratic Action, introducing the strangest of strange celebrity presidential candidates, Warren Beatty. Beatty as Bulworth. Wednesday night, a packed house at the Beverly […]

  • Come on, Rudy, Sign the Local Motion

    Instant correction: Those of you who perused Muckraker early this morning or over the weekend may have read that New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) was prepared to sign a major letter from mayors and other local officials calling for the federal government to do more to combat global warming. Not so keen to […]

  • If the Government Says It's Safe, It's Safe, Right?

    The folks who bring us gene-spliced soybeans, corn, potatoes, and other foods like to make a point of the U.S. government’s approval of their products. The feds OK’d it. That must mean biotech foods are safe, right? Right. Sure. This is the government that declared DDT safe and thalidomide and DES and dozens of other […]