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  • Republicans block subpoena of EPA climate document, while Boxer releases choice excerpts

    Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has been foiled in her attempt to obtain and make public a U.S. EPA document on the legal basis for regulating greenhouse gases, thanks to Republicans on the Environment and Public Works Committee that she chairs. The document in question is an endangerment finding that the White House refused to accept […]

  • McCain spokesfolk say that offshore drilling is ‘the right thing for the environment’

    The McCain campaign held a press call this morning with senior policy advisers Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Nancy Pfotenhauer on the candidate’s energy plan. The subjects of yesterday’s tanker spill near New Orleans and McCain’s canceled trip to an offshore rig because of Hurricane Dolly came up during discussion of McCain’s call for more drilling. “This […]

  • Republicans are bluffing on drilling

    Republicans have mastered a political technique that seems to work on Democrats every time: the projection of strength. No matter the issue, when it comes up for dispute Republicans claim that Americans support their position; they claim that Democrats are out of touch with ordinary folk; they claim that Democrats are on defensive; they put […]

  • LCV President Gene Karpinski on the race for the White House

    The League of Conservation Voters announced its endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday, touting his energy and environment plans as the “most comprehensive” ever from a presidential nominee. While LCV President Gene Karpinski credits John McCain — whom LCV endorsed in his 2004 Senate race — for taking the challenge of global […]

  • Two-pronged strategy to sway energy policy debate

    Putting aside the causes of the oil-price rise and what the future holds, I am concerned that progressives are losing the public debate about what to do about it. Like David, I was extremely disappointed with Gore's interview on Meet the Press this past week, both with respect to the ridiculous questions from Brokaw and Gore's complete inability to get the right message across.

    And now we have an editorial from The Wall Street Journal (as well as John McCain himself) making the absurd claim that Bush's lifting of the offshore oil drilling ban is responsible for the recent drop in oil prices. Since I am assume both McCain and the op-ed writer are smart enough to know that this is false, one can only assume they are willing to lie because they think that this presents an opening for the rightwing in a season when they look doomed.

    Unfortunately, data exists to back up this belief, as the public's support for offshore oil drilling is rising. The simple fact is that when costs of energy go up, most people are willing to put aside environmental concerns, including global warming.

    This is why it is crucial that progressives, and especially the Obama campaign (who brilliantly won the gas tax holiday debate during the primaries), need to adopt an aggressive strategy for winning over the public on energy issues.

    Here's what I think should be the central message:

  • Hurricane Dolly cancels McCain’s trip to offshore oil rig

    John McCain had planned to visit an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday to tout offshore drilling and the industry’s environmental friendliness, but Hurricane Dolly canceled his plans. Dolly hit land in Texas Wednesday as a Category 2 storm, cutting oil and gas production by some 5 to 8 percent overall. McCain […]

  • GOP leaders unveil new energy bill that calls for some of everything and lots of drilling

    Enviros rally against House Republicans’ new energy bill and drilling plans. Photos: Kate Sheppard House Republicans hosted a press conference on the west steps of the Capitol Building today to tout their new energy legislation, the “American Energy Act” [PDF]. But the 50 caucus members at the gathering were outnumbered by at least 100 protesters, […]

  • Activist attempts to glue himself to Gordon Brown


    Yes, even stranger than the skater crashing though the ice (though not as funny, notwithstanding the well-known dry British wit):

    During these turbulent economic times, Gordon Brown is keen for the country to stick by him. However, this probably wasn't quite what he had in mind.

    Dan Glass, of the climate change pressure group Plane Stupid today tried to superglue himself to the Prime Minister at a Downing Street reception.

    Yes, that is the name of the group. Their website is


  • Michigan Lt. Governor John Cherry says the Great Lakes need help

    This is a guest post from Michigan Lt. Governor John Cherry, who has been working recently to preserve and restore the Great Lakes.



    John Cherry
    Lt. Gov. John Cherry

    I'm especially pleased to be a guest blogger on Grist today, since earlier today legislation was introduced in the United States Senate and House of Representatives to ratify the Great Lakes Compact.  Now that the Compact has been ratified by the eight Great Lakes states, as well as the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, it's time for Congress to take the next crucial step and grant its consent to the Compact.


    All Michigan citizens have a deep personal connection to the Great Lakes.  I grew up in a culture where people worked hard and long during the work week, but when vacations or weekends came along they loved to get away "to the lake," "to the cottage," or just "up north."  And in the Legislature, as lieutenant governor of the state of Michigan, and as chair of the Great Lakes Commission (whose members are Great Lakes States in the United States and the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Provinces in Canada), I have been in positions to make a difference in preserving, protecting, and where necessary restoring the vitality of the Lakes.  Perhaps for these reasons, as well as because I personally enjoy spending time on the water, I have a strong sense of stewardship toward the Lakes.

  • America’s governors unite to plead for extension of renewable tax credits

    Today, 50 governors — if you’re counting, that’s all of them — sent a letter to Congress [PDF] asking that the tax credits for renewable energy be extended by at least five years: Renewable energy plays an important role in our nation’s energy security, and governors have pioneered a wide array of innovative energy policies […]