A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
The states with the dirtiest energy just happen to be where they do people of color the dirtiest. Can clean energy help fix that?
Does the consulting firm studying the environmental impacts of Keystone XL have a conflict of interest? State's Inspector General is looking into the question.
The Nebraska legislature passed a bill that’ll kickstart planning for the rerouted Keystone XL pipeline. Turns out a bunch of...
Her songs about pesticides, frankenfoods, climate change, and selling the family farm have struck a chord with farmers both old and young.
Joy Hughes was living in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, a place with a “tremendous amount of solar potential,”...
With its “rare and vintage samples,” the National Animal Germplasm Program is basically the hipster record store of animal jizz.
TransCanada's presentation to law enforcement agencies says the protesters are potentially violent. Protesters respond: WTF?
A new study finds that a small reduction in farmers' water use could help save Kansas agriculture. But why is it using so much water in the first place?
After spending last weekend at the Heartland Coalfield Alliance’s retreat in the Illinois coal basin region, I’m more inspired than...