A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
Slave labor used to clear Brazilian rainforest The Amazon rainforest is disappearing at a precipitous pace, and as is too...
Chad Pregracke. With what environmental organization are you affiliated? I am founder and president of Living Lands & Waters. What...
Air Pollution Does Long-Term Damage to Kids’ Lungs Regular exposure to air pollution can stunt the growth of children’s lungs,...
Dear Umbra, I just took the Ecological Footprint Quiz, feeling rather confident that I’ve been doing my part to minimize...
Luisa Colasimone. With what environmental organization are you affiliated? I’m communications director for the European Wind Energy Association. What does...
China Gears Up to Build New, Smaller Nuke Plants China’s economy is expanding faster than Bruce Banner with road rage,...
Australians Kick Some Renewable-Energy Butt Those Australians are busy bees these days! One team of Aussie researchers has announced that...
Most U.S. Lakes and Waterways Contaminated with Mercury, EPA Says U.S. EPA head honcho Mike Leavitt struggled yesterday to put...
Dumped Electronics Poisoning Poor in Asia Computers and other electronics discarded in the West frequently end up in poor villages...