A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
The president-elect faces deep political division, and Bolsonaro still has two more months in power.
New data suggest wealthy countries may belatedly be providing a promised $100 billion in climate-related aid. But they’ve eroded trust in the process.
Colorado’s new oil and gas bonding rules ask for hundreds of thousands of additional dollars — but still might not cover all potential costs.
The new IPCC report spotlighted the issue, despite U.S. opposition.
A shortage of potable water and the toxic stew of sewage and other pollutants the flood left behind has prompted a race to avert a public health crisis in North Carolina.
Moooove over, cows. Precision fermentation creates the same proteins found in milk, leading to cheese, ice cream, and other treats that are indistinguishable from their conventional counterparts.
Fires scorched the country in March. Is ‘wildfire season’ a thing of the past?
The race between Democrats’ swing vote and Governor Jim Justice is bringing West Virginia politics to the national stage.
Grassroots groups in Manila and Detroit have teamed up in the fight against pollution.