A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
Silicon is facing bottlenecks and trade sanctions. Is this cadmium telluride's moment?
Can Biden prove to the world that the U.S. is ready for ambitious climate action?
Gifting is a much-loved holiday tradition, but one that exacerbates retail’s overconsumption problem. New models of secondhand shopping could lessen its impact.
Residents wonder how the most environmentally burdened place in California became one of the most vied-for plots of land in all of LA.
Newly released documents show the FBI monitoring anti-Keystone protesters much earlier than previously known. Young Native activists were among its first targets.
The Gulf Coast has some of the highest sea-level rise in the country, in part due to climate change.
The storm added to existing issues like coastal erosion and rising sea levels.
The “renewable” industry creates major emissions, destroys forests, and causes health and safety issues in low-resource communities.
New research sheds light on the Global Climate Coalition’s efforts to block legislation.