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  • Critical List: Oil sands carbon footprint revised upwards; new frog discovered in NYC

    Oil sands have an even higher carbon footprint than previously thought: No one was counting carbon released when the drilling operations destroy peatlands. In 2011, solar installers put in twice as many solar panels as they did in 2010. The transportation bill now includes a natural gas amendment that fulfills energy magnate T. Boone Pickens’ […]

  • Natural born drillers: Why shale gas won’t end our energy woes

    Energy utilities and politicians on both sides of the aisle are eager to swallow industry promises of a bright, shale-gas-powered future. But both history and the data show that a bust could be right around the corner.

  • Critical List: The gas boom scam; Bieber’s electric car

    In Rolling Stone, Jeff Goodell looks at “the scam behind the gas boom.” What really makes money for a natural gas company? “Buying and flipping the land that contains the gas,” Goodell reports. A team of scientists has discovered how to use wastewater’s bacteria to create electricity. For his 18th birthday Justin Bieber received (among […]

  • Alaska is about to get fracked up

    Alaska’s been coasting on its stores of easy-access oil, but a new report from the U.S. Geological Survey shows that the state has a motherlode of shale oil and natural gas. You know what means — here come the frackers. The numbers are impressive: as much as 80 trillion cubic feet of frackable natural gas […]

  • How the Sierra Club and the natural gas industry broke up

    Yesterday, TIME published the news that the Sierra Club had taken more than $25 million dollars from the natural gas industry — specifically, from employees and subsidiaries of Chesapeake Energy, one of the largest natural gas companies around. The donations came at a time when the environmental movement was rallying behind natural gas as a […]

  • Critical List: Sierra Club took natural gas money; solar panels made from grass clippings

    The Sierra Club’s executive director, Michael Brune, revealed that from 2007 to 2010 the environmental group took more than $26 million of donations from people and companies connected to the natural gas industry. The Obama administration is moving forward with offshore wind development. Warming oceans are encouraging the growth of coral … for now.

  • Critical List: Republicans still pushing Keystone; Yosemite to limit Half Dome hikes

    House Republicans just can’t let go of the Keystone XL pipeline. Speaker Boehner now says it could be part of a bill expanding domestic energy production. The value of renewable energy deals grew by two-fifths last year, which means, according to analysts, that businesses like wind and solar are “maturing.” Yosemite could limit the number […]

  • What did Obama say about energy last night?

    We at Grist List know more or less how your State of the Union experience went last night: You intended to watch it, but oooooh, you forgot there was a new Downton Abbey episode you hadn’t watched yet. You started watching the speech, but booooooring! You changed the channel/zoned out/got distracted by YouTube. Or you […]

  • Natural gas: A bridge to nowhere

    Natural gas might have been a "bridge fuel" to a low-carbon future 30 years ago, but today it does little to solve the climate problem, especially without a price on carbon.