Oil sands have an even higher carbon footprint than previously thought: No one was counting carbon released when the drilling operations destroy peatlands.
In 2011, solar installers put in twice as many solar panels as they did in 2010.
The transportation bill now includes a natural gas amendment that fulfills energy magnate T. Boone Pickens’ wildest dreams.
New York does have nature! It just takes a few scientists from Jersey to find it. A Rutgers doctoral candidate identified a new species of leopard frog that lives in and around New York City. He first heard its croak on a jaunt to Staten Island.
The continuing political education of Energy Secretary Steven Chu is increasingly painful to watch. In the latest episode, watch Steven roll back perfectly reasonable statements about how it might be beneficial to raise gas prices!
Coastal elites have one more reason to resent climate-denying red-staters: Climate change is going to exacerbate coastal flooding, and soon. Plug in your zip code here to find out your risk.