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  • We need a price-floor on fossil fuels

    As oil prices tumble — now hovering around $65 per barrel — there is growing concern that some of the momentum that was building for renewable energy may be waning. This situation highlights one of the key constraints that we face in moving to a low-carbon society: uncertainty in fossil-fuel prices depresses investments in alternative […]

  • Oil refineries are full of asbestos, not just carbon

    I received this article about the connection between mesothelioma cancer and oil refineries via email along with a request to share it. As we continue to rely on oil, some will face worse consequences than losing their shirts. The original article is posted below: If you’ve been following the widespread coverage related to the upcoming […]

  • Will we see $3 gasoline before $5?

    A: It certainly looks that way. When I first posed this question in August, I began my answer: A: "Who knows?" and "It doesn’t really matter." Much higher gasoline prices that are sustained for a long, long time are now inevitable. The fundamentals in the oil market are that we are in the beginning stages […]

  • The Alliance for Climate Protection says ABC barred ad calling out Big Oil

    An environmental action group founded by former vice president Al Gore is accusing ABC of censoring an advocacy ad the group paid to air on the network. The Alliance for Climate Protection late Wednesday sent an e-mail blast to supporters with the ominous subject line, “ABC won’t air our ad.” “Did you notice the ads […]

  • No cash yet offered to save Ecuador rainforest as deadline looms

    In June 2007, Ecuador offered to avoid oil development in a tract of biodiverse rainforest if other nations and green groups were able to pony up $350 million a year for a decade. Reaction to the pay-to-protect idea was positive, but a twice-bumped-back deadline is coming up in Dec. 2008, and still no funding is […]

  • Pickens suckered by Palin: ‘She gets this energy situation’

    Yes, he loves wind power. But beyond that, I lose more respect for the oilman every day. Consider what he wrote on his blog Friday: Met with Sarah Palin the day after her debate with Joe Biden. She came to our Dallas offices with her husband, Todd, to talk about energy and the Pickens Plan […]

  • Sarah Palin, polar bears, and junk science

    There’s lots of buzz around this piece in the Guardian, in which Ed Pilkington shows that Alaska governor Sarah Palin, battling to keep polar bears off the endangered species list, made use of junk science and scientists funded in part by Exxon and the American Petroleum Institute. Those interested in the subject should read this […]

  • Oil economist denies peak oil

    “Therefore there will never be a moment when the world runs out of oil because there will always be a price at which the last drop of oil can clear the market. And you can turn anything into oil into if you are willing to pay the financial and environmental price.” — Christof Rühl, chief […]

  • It’s just that they keep talking about the causes of the problem …

    It’s clear to anyone paying attention that much if not most of global warming “skepticism” is driven by political opposition to the solutions, but you rarely hear people slip up and admit it: “I do believe we need to be good stewards and I think we are, but some of the issues that I have […]