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  • American Climate Energy Security bill still makes things worse.

    “The girl’s not playing with a full deck, Giles. She has almost no deck. She has a three.” Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Faith, Hope and Trick. The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) repeals the recently won authority the EPA has to regulate greenhouse gases, and replaces that authority with a loophole ridden […]

  • Counting Senate votes on a climate bill

    Track the debate and take action >>> UPDATED: 9 Oct 2009 The House already passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act (aka Waxman-Markey), so now the ball is in the Senate’s court.  Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) introduced a climate bill on Sept. 30. For now, here’s a quick breakdown of […]

  • Conservative activists wage war on Republicans who voted for climate bill

    Conservative opponents of the Waxman-Markey bill are targeting the eight Republicans who voted for it in the House. The bill would not have passed without their support.Leo Alberti via House members who provided the margin of victory in last week’s narrow passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act are taking heat from […]

  • The new Senate global warming deniers

    If you wanted to get progressives more excited about the clean energy and climate protection bill that passed the House last week, you might be inclined to point to Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins HuffPost piece on the $1 billion in green jobs funding that was added at the last minute, including “[l]ocal access to quality jobs, through […]

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    Americans United praises Congress for passing ACES

    Americans United for Change is running a new ad in the DC market praising Congress for passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). “Last month, Congress met President Obama’s challenge to create millions of clean energy jobs — not in India or China, but right here, in America,” the ads say. But wait! […]

  • Lost in the shuffle: Some efficiency policies weakened in Waxman-Markey bill

    Last Friday, the House of Representatives passed a landmark climate and energy bill that would finally begin to address the climate crises and move us towards a rational energy policy in this country. There are many key efficiency provisions in the bill, including, Improved building energy codes Incentives for efficiency retrofits of existing buildings Incentives […]

  • Are the South and the Midwest splitting on energy?

    There’s one interesting aspect of the Waxman-Markey vote worth highlighting in its own post. Ron Brownstein’s analysis contains this intriguing information: The sponsors also maintained substantial support for the legislation even in the Midwestern states expected to generate the most opposition because of their heavy reliance on coal for electricity. Overall 48 of the 60 […]

  • MoveOn asks members whether it should launch major campaign to strengthen climate bill

    The progressive activist group MoveOn is trying to rally its 5 million members behind an aggressive campaign to strengthen the climate and energy bill that passed the House last week. If at least two-thirds of voting members consent, the group will begin a “full-court press to fix the bill, and turn up the heat on […]

  • Analysis of Waxman-Markey vote from around the web

    What does Friday’s close Waxman-Markey vote in the House tell us? (The 219 yes votes represented exactly one more than the minimum necessary.) In an excellent analysis (complete with interactive map), National Journal‘s Ron Brownstein notes: Of the 49 House Democrats who represent districts that McCain carried last year, fully 29 voted against the measure. […]