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  • New Cantwell climate bill is simpler and more equitable

    Cross-posted from AlterNet. On Sept. 22, in a speech to 100 world leaders gathered at the United Nations to discuss climate change, President Barack Obama declared the U.S. “determined to act.” But at the same time, word began to circulate on Capitol Hill that the Senate might be equally determined not to vote on the […]

  • Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act an improvement over House bill on offsets

    With respect to offsets, the Kerry-Boxer bill is a distinct improvement over the ACES [Waxman-Markey]. It allows a relatively strong approach to offset integrity, avoiding negative social or environmental effects, and facilitating possible integration with other systems. It also addresses some issues that will be important to the functioning of a trading market, but still […]

  • Markey spokesman questions Breakthrough Institute

    “Your manuscript is both good and original. But the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.” Those words, “attributed” to the 18th century English essayist Samuel Johnson, are a perfect summation of the oeuvre of The Breakthrough Institute (TBI).  So it is with their latest attack […]

  • Growth in renewable energy outpaces nuclear, fossil fuels

    In some hopeful news for sustainable energy advocates, the latest production numbers from the federal government are out — and they show that the growth rate of renewable sources continues to outpace nuclear and fossil fuels. The data come as Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.) are expected to introduce legislation today designed […]

  • Pa. Rep. Doyle on getting blue-collar support for a climate bill

    Rep. Mike Doyle chats with Grist.Photo: G20VoiceDuring last week’s G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Penn.) was out and about networking with climate-action advocates and talking up the city’s green cred.  A southwestern Pennsylvania native, Doyle comes from a steelworking family and has been a friend to the industry during his nine years in […]

  • Boxer-Kerry climate bill: what to watch for

    Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.) plan to introduce their climate bill tomorrow. Here are a few brief notes on what to watch for. Just as a reminder, for the non-wonks, here’s how the process works: 1) House passes bill, 2) Senate passes bill, 3) House and Senate bills reconciled via conference committee, […]

  • Memo to Congress: Don’t dawdle on climate bill

    Even though the Senate hasn’t even begun debating a specific climate bill, naysayers at home and abroad are already declaring as dead on arrival the effort to pass climate and energy legislation in the United States this year. And who can blame them? Like health-care reform — and bad teenage slasher movies — the whole […]

  • Markey spokesman questions Breakthrough Institute

    September 28, 2009 “Your manuscript is both good and original. But the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.” Those words, “attributed” to the 18th century English essayist Samuel Johnson, are a perfect summation of the oeuvre of The Breakthrough Institute (TBI).  So it is with […]

  • Sen. Jeff Merkley answers Grist’s questions on Senate climate bill

    Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) won his 2008 race against 40-year Republican incumbent Gordon Smith in a squeaker, with a margin of just 3%. Despite the narrow win, Merkley has come out swinging on climate and energy issues, securing an appointment to the Environment & Public Works Committee, sponsoring or co-sponsoring a series of clean energy […]