Re “U.S. to Issue Tougher Fuel Standards for Automobiles” (NY Times, 5/18/2009)

“President Obama will announce as early as Tuesday that he will combine California’s tough new auto-emissions rules with the existing corporate average fuel economy standard to create a single new national standard …”

Four questions:

(1) Which will it be: an emission standard or a fuel-economy standard? (California scrupulously avoided structuring its Pavley regulations as a fuel-economy standard, to avoid conflict with federal preemption rules.)

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(2) Will the new federal standard preempt California’s even tougher “Pavley II” regulations under AB 32?

(3) California’s standard was based on the AB-1493 mandate requiring “the maximum feasible and cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.” Will federal standards be based on any comparable requirement?

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(4) The California standard, when fully phased in by 2016, would be 205 gm-CO2/mi for cars and 332 gm-CO2/mi for light trucks. Has anyone in the federal government, or in any of the state governments that have adopted California’s standard, seen or understood the calculations underlying these numbers?