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  • BP’s donations to Congress are more worrying than its donations to Obama

    The Sunlight Foundation reports on the slick of BP money that’s already spread far and wide through the American political system. The oil and gas giant is a major campaign contributor, giving more than $6 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years. President Obama has received the most — $77,051 — which might […]

  • Does ‘sustainable transportation’ mean better cars or fewer cars?

    Ohio State University’s excellent Moving Ahead 2010 conference wrapped up with an impromptu panel on the oil spill and oil addiction. (White House energy adviser Carol Browner was supposed to do the final keynote, but got pulled away. Apparently there’s something going on in Louisiana.) I’ll wrap up my coverage by making a point I […]

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    Colbert and Letterman mock BP for wrecking the Gulf

    Personally, I think it’s a time to be sober and try to comfort our beleaguered oil companies. But here are two other approaches. Stephen Colbert’s oil cleanup plan goes awry:   And Letterman provides the Top Ten BP Excuses (listed out below the video): TOP TEN BP EXCUSES 10. The Gulf of Mexico was overdue […]

  • A new café owner forages and finds a fresh take on sustainability

    From activists to politicians, everybody loves to talk about the promise of green jobs. But in reality, who the heck actually has a green job, and how do you get one? In our new column, “I Have a Green Job,” Grist will be regularly profiling one of the lucky employed who has landed a job […]

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    Jon Stewart slams BP, oil-defending politicians, more usual suspects

    Our customer research department tell us that some of you enjoy humorous video, watchdog journalism, holding politicians accountable, and biting media criticism. If that’s the case, we think you should know about this guy Jon Stewart: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Beyond Awful Daily Show Full Episodes […]

  • A teachable moment

    The Cape Wind project just approved for the waters offshore of Massachusetts will pump $1 billion into the local economy and create clean, reliable wind energy for decades. The BP oil rig in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico is spewing millions of gallons of petroleum toward the coastlines of four states, incurring $6 […]

  • Burning oil sends heavy vapor toward Gulf residents

    The EPA is warning that Gulf Coast residents are at risk of headaches, nausea, and other ill health effects; the culprit is air pollution from the oil burns that response teams are conducting to try to keep the big slick away from coastlines. “The BP Oil Spill in the Gulf could cause an odor similar […]

  • Wake up, Obama. The Gulf spill is our big chance

    President Barack Obama so far has said nothing about the screamingly obvious connection between the spoils of fossil-fuel dependency and the vision of a clean-energy economy that he’s been sporadically promoting. Instead he had this tepid statement on the Gulf oil spill Friday morning: “I continue to believe that domestic oil production is an important […]

  • Oil rig disaster could soon be worse than Exxon Valdez

    Photo: U.S. Coast Guard Cross-posted from Wonk Room. The catastrophic gusher of oil unleashed by the explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig last week is on track to quickly exceed the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, an independent expert warns. An explosive burst of oil destroyed the exploratory rig 41 miles off the Louisiana coast on […]

  • The worst week ever, brought to you by the fossil-fuel industry

    It’s a week to remember — or better yet, forget.  Who could have imagined such a confluence of terrible, horrible, no-good, very-bad events, rounding up what has to be the most disheartening “Earth Month” ever?  In what may soon be the worst oil spill in U.S. history, crude is gushing into the Gulf of Mexico […]