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  • Labor and environmentalists have been teaming up since the first Earth Day

    The approach of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22 provides us an opportunity to reflect on the “long, strange trip” shared by the environmental movement and the labor movement over four decades here on Spaceship Earth. A billion people participate in Earth Day events, making it the largest secular civic event in […]

  • Interview with ‘Growing Green’ business leader Karl Kupers

    An April 13, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) announced the four winners of its second annual “Growing Green” awards, which honor leaders in the sustainable-food world in four categories: “thought leader,” “producer,” business leader,” and “water steward.” I interviewed “thought leader” Fred Kirschenmann here. Now I turn my attention to Karl Kupers of Shepherd’s […]

  • Betting on change

      Last year, Beluga Shipping discovered that there’s money in global warming. Beluga is a German firm that specializes in “super heavy lift” transport. Its vessels are equipped with massive cranes, allowing it to load and unload massive objects, like multi-ton propeller blades for wind turbines. It is an enormously expensive business, but last summer, […]

  • Corporations love to talk about going green, but not many are planning for a changing climate

    About a decade ago, Miguel Torres planted 104 hectares of pinot noir grapes in the Spanish Pyrenees, 3,300 feet above sea level. It’s cold up there and not much good for grapes — at least not these days. But Torres, the head of one of Spain’s foremost wine families, knows that the climate is changing. […]

  • Deep thoughts from founder Chip Giller

    Every year as Earth Day approaches, there’s a moment when we here at Grist stare at each other around a conference table and say, “What the hell are we going to do this time?” I imagine it’s the same way the window dressers at Macy’s feel when the winter holidays are approaching. How do you […]

  • From tobacco to climate change, ‘merchants of doubt’ undermined the science

    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people can change the world.”— Margaret Mead Because Americans are optimists we tend to see Mead’s observation as upbeat and life-affirming (as it was probably intended). Blinkered by optimism, however, we miss the dark flip side of her observation — that a few fanatics can do immense […]

  • Who gets rich in a geoengineered world?

    So yesterday was the official publication day for my new book How to Cool the Planet, an event that I’d like to mark by … taking a long nap. I’m only a few days into the book tour, but I’m already exhausted. Not that I’m complaining. Being worn out by your book tour is a […]

  • Creative financing fuels California solar boom

    Dropping my son off at school on Wednesday, I ran into Danny Kennedy, a fellow parent and veteran Australian Greenpeace activist turned solar entrepreneur. How’s business? I asked. Pretty bloody good, as it turns out. Kennedy’s startup, Sungevity, took in more orders for rooftop solar systems in March than in all of 2009. That solar […]

  • Google climate change chief wants price on carbon

    Dan Reicher, Google’s director of climate changePhoto: Steve Rhodes via FlickrGoogle wants a price on carbon and wants it now — both for lofty reasons like combating global warming, but also because it could be good for business.  As the Senate inches closer to climate legislation that could give the Internet giant what it wants, […]

  • Abercrombie & Fitch + Weight Watchers Make the CRO Black List (VIDEO)

    CRO Magazine proves that at Abercrombie & Fitch only the models are revealing. What is corporate responsibility and why should we care? Richard Crespin of the Corporate Responsibility Officers Association (CRO) answers this question and goes on to name names: the top companies on the CRO Black List, or companies for whom zero points of […]