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  • Three states appeal directly to companies to avoid BPA in products

    The attorneys general of Connecticut, Delaware, and New Jersey urged 11 U.S. baby-bottle and baby-formula companies to stop using the chemical bisphenol A in their products and packaging in order to protect kids from the chemical’s damaging effects. BPA has been found in the urine of 93 percent of Americans, and recent studies have linked […]

  • Clorox’s Green Works line now top-selling green cleaners in U.S.

    Clorox’s first entree into the green-cleaning market, released just this year, is going swimmingly so far with the $5.3 billion company on track to sell over $40 million worth of its Green Works cleaners in the U.S., according to sales figures. The Clorox Company already captures a large swath of the conventional-cleaner market with brands […]

  • Greenpeace formally disavows any connection to industry shill Patrick Moore

    Patrick Moore is a paid shill for the nuclear industry — through op-eds, astroturf groups, and relentless cozying up to reporters, he works around the clock to convince the public that nuclear is safe and clean and economical and consequently that it deserves billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies. Fine. That’s his right. What’s not […]

  • Will we see $3 gasoline before $5?

    A: It certainly looks that way. When I first posed this question in August, I began my answer: A: "Who knows?" and "It doesn’t really matter." Much higher gasoline prices that are sustained for a long, long time are now inevitable. The fundamentals in the oil market are that we are in the beginning stages […]

  • Friday music blogging: Eliza Gilkyson

    According to dozens of experts surveyed by The Wall Street Journal, we’re heading into a recession that will be the worst in 50 years, with at least three consecutive quarters of less-than-zero growth. Millions of homeowners face foreclosure, trillions of dollars have been lost in the stock market, and we’re going to see a spike […]

  • Tough times for agribiz giants — and likely soon for farmers

    A few months ago, the "smart money" was pouring into all things agricultural. Corn was flirting with $8/bushel (up from less than $2 as recently as 2005), hedge funds were snapping up farmland everywhere from the Midwest to Africa, and that weird guy who babbles and blusters about stocks on cable TV — Jim Cramer […]

  • Toyota may develop “Prius on steroids”

    Thanks to the persistent popularity of the Prius among American drivers, who buy 65 to 70 percent of all Toyota hybrids sold worldwide, the company is considering developing a bigger, badder version of the gas-sipper. James E. Lentz III, the head of Toyota Motor Sales USA, says he has proposed creating a separate Prius brand […]

  • World economic crisis puts climate agreement, CO2 cuts in jeopardy

    Worldwide financial turmoil is seriously damaging the chances of the world’s biggest polluters agreeing on a new international climate treaty to succeed the Kyoto Protocol. U.N. officials and climate experts have said for months now that the world needs to agree on, at the very least, specific emission targets for a new climate treaty by […]

  • Some Native American tribes see better financial future in wind farms

    Some Native American tribes, particularly those on extremely windy reservations, have been pursuing deals lately with wind-power developers, seeing the projects as potentially large and steady sources of income. Overall, Indian reservations are some of the poorest areas in the United States, but federal energy officials and others hope that a boom in wind power […]

  • As GM goes …

    GM stock is down 30 percent today — the lowest GM stock price since 1950. Ford dropped by almost a quarter before a slight uptick — lowest since 1983. S&P may downgrade their credit rating (again). Witness: Stocks, which had opened higher, dived into the close, with the S&P 500 index ending down 7.6 per […]