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  • Whole Foods tries to shake its elitist reputation

    Whole Foods Market, with its gleaming displays of organic produce, antibiotic-free meat, and vegan baked goods, has long branded itself as a high-quality grocery retailer — thus earning the nickname Whole Paycheck and a reputation for elitism. But with the economy sagging — bringing with it, according to some analysts, consumer interest in organic food […]

  • New pedal from Nissan pushes back against excessive acceleration

    Want to be an eco-driver but can’t seem to keep the pedal off the metal? Meet Nissan Motor Co.’s ECO pedal, which pushes back against excess foot pressure to encourage fuel-efficient driving. The ECO accelerator will be installed in some Nissan cars starting next year and be accompanied by a real-time dashboard display of fuel […]

  • High fuel prices causing globalization to lose momentum

    It was unthinkable mere years ago, but globalization is starting to lose momentum. High and holding fuel prices — shipping a 40-foot container from Shanghai to the U.S. will cost ya $5,000 more today than a decade ago — are making global supply chains look far less attractive. Goods headed for the maw of the […]

  • Notable quotable

    "The military-industrial complex needs enemies."

    -- Brian Williams, news anchor of NBC, on The Daily Show with John Stewart, July 31, 2008.

  • China’s renewables sector booming, study says

    China’s renewable-energy sector is growing substantially despite the simultaneous growth of its famous dirty-energy sector, according to a study by nonprofit The Climate Group. While China recently took the lead as the world’s largest carbon emitter and continues building roughly one coal-fired power plant a week on average, the country’s renewables industry is also setting […]

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    ExxonMobil rakes in record cash, spends only 1 percent on alternative energy

    ExxonMobil broke its own record for the highest quarterly earnings in U.S. history, reporting $11.7 billion in profits for the second quarter. And as ABC reports, the company spent only 1 percent of its profits last year on alternative energy sources. “They’re probably spending more on the advertising than they’re actually spending on the actual […]

  • Oil companies’ continued record profits tick off Democrats, consumers

    Major oil companies reported ginormous second-quarter profits this week, irking consumers and fueling harsh rhetoric from congressional Democrats. ExxonMobil reported a record-breaking profit of $11.68 billion — the highest of any U.S. company ever — besting its own previous record set in the first quarter of this year. Royal Dutch Shell raked in $11.56 billion, […]

  • Wind power industry hiring in huge numbers

    Dear Kevin, I’ve heard lots of hype about wind power jobs, but I don’t know what kind of jobs we’re talking about. Can you describe a few? Thanks for your help. (I love Grist.) Amy K.St. Louis Dear Amy, Grist loves you back. Your letter goes straight to the top. The hype is very real. […]

  • Advocates pushing LEDs into the spotlight

    Compact fluorescents have had their time in the sun; it’s time to herald the era of LEDs, say advocates. Light-emitting diodes are bright, extremely long-lasting, über-efficient, and can color-shift by remote control (fun!). The bulbs shine in many traffic lights, colored the Times Square ball on New Year’s Eve, may soon light up the Empire […]

  • Surprise first-quarter profit for Honda, unsurprising giant loss for Ford

    Despite an economy that has hit automakers hard, Honda Motor Co. on Friday reported an unexpected record profit for its fiscal first quarter, crediting demand for fuel-efficient Civics and Fits for the surprise boost. Honda was the only automaker to report better U.S. sales in June 2008 than in June 2007, though small-car specialists Kia […]