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  • Charlie and the Optimism Factory

    Florida’s governor names climate panel, talks up green economy Used to be the greenest thing in Florida was a golf course — or maybe an old lady’s dye job gone slightly awry. But something’s happening in that sunshiny state. This week, Gov. Charlie Crist (R) followed up on an early-summer commitment by picking 21 business, […]

  • Strange Riverbed Fellows?

    IBM partners with New York institute to create river-research center Tech giant IBM is partnering with a state-financed science organization in New York to create a cutting-edge river research center. The project, launched with the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries, will tap into the mad skillz of IBM engineers to provide 24-hour data collection […]

  • Huffington calls on press to do that thing I did

    Arianna Huffington wonders why, with all the press coverage of the Utah mine collapse, so little has focused on the horrible safety record, anti-unionism, and political back-room dealings of the mine company’s faux-folksy CEO, Bob Murray. What she does not do, apparently, is read her own site. Just saying.

  • Fascinating talk from people at the company

    Via Treehugger, Metropolis magazine has posted a transcript of a talk by Scott Charon and Susan Lyons from furniture company Herman Miller. The talk was given at Metropolis‘s conference Design Entrepreneurs: Rethinking Energy. As the eco-geeks among you likely know, Herman Miller is way out ahead of almost any other company on the planet in […]

  • Makes total sense!

    On the one hand, Bush and the Republicans say we’re helpless to do anything about global warming until China and India act. On the other hand, the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Corp. are funneling billions in taxpayer dollars to huge corporations (think Halliburton and Bechtel) to help them construct carbon-intensive hard […]

  • Two, Four, Six, Eight, Why Do We Procrastinate?

    Big Auto to host fuel-economy rallies in Midwestern cities Revved up over fuel-economy rules, Detroit’s Big Three automakers and the United Auto Workers will hold rallies in Chicago and St. Louis this week and next. The demonstrations are a reaction against the U.S. Senate energy bill, passed in June, which would raise fuel economy for […]

  • One economist says no

    James Galbraith gets to the heart of the dilemma facing climate change economics: The market’s real failure is that it allows for no signal from the future to the present, either from the conditions that will exist 30 years hence or from the people who will be alive and working then. The question becomes: Can […]

  • More Murray

    Yesterday the Washington Post ran a profile of Robert Murray, head of Murray Energy, owner of the Utah mine that recently collapsed and all around evil motherfvcker. I actually thought the story did a decent job of showing what an unhinged fruitcake Murray is, gibbering on about how "elites" who attack coal don’t understand what […]

  • The CEO of Ford Motor Co. …

    .. wants a roughly $6-per-gallon tax on gas. That’s the only way, he says, Americans will stop "demanding" gas-guzzling cars. No comment.

  • YearlyKos: Meyerson and Stern

    Watching Harold Meyerson (editor in chief of The American Prospect) and Andy Stern (head of SIEU) chat about … stuff. Stern says of the 100 largest financial institutions in the world, 50 are countries and 50 are companies. He says all progressives are fighting against the same foes, these multinational corporations, and it’s high time […]