Since the oil keeps spilling in the Gulf of Mexico and there’s still not much you and I can do, it seems for now that laughter is the best solution.
Yep, that’s pathetic.
But this isn’t just a laugh for laughter’s sake. This satire is social commentary in its highest incarnation.
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert give BP the one, two punch this week. They skewer tarballs, BP CEO Tony Hayward, the MMS, and President Obama’s latest quest to figure out whose a** to kick. Watch for the latest in oil spill-related news and lambasting.
Ass Quest 2010
President Obama is trying to find out whose ass to kick …
“The President’s not going to kick his own ass. The secret service would be all over him.”
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Colbert kicks BP CEO Tony Hayward’s a**
Hard. Too bad it’s only a stunt Hayward.
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Stephen Colbert on BP’s PR-mageddon
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