In “Chewing the Scenery,” we round up interesting food-related videos from around the Web.
When chemical-farming advocates dismiss organic farmers as Luddites, I always think of Eliot Coleman. Up on Four Season Farm in Maine, which he runs with his wife, the garden writer Barbara Damrosch, Eliot churns out top-quality produce year round, without resort to chemicals. Even in the height of winter, he uses little or no fossil fuels. He is a master of the kind of technology that agribusiness interests like to pretend doesn’t exist: appropriate technology, smart ways of doing things that are suited to communities, not to the interests of corporate shareholders. I would go so far as to say that if people in this country are still eating out-of-season vegetables in 20 years, it will be because Eliot’s ingenious schemes have gained traction among a new generations of farmers across the country. Ambitious gardeners take note: Coleman’s techniques are suited to growing lots of food on minimal amounts of land — i.e., absolutely relevant to garden-scale beds. Chelsea Green is putting out a DVD of Coleman’s celebrated workshops on four-season farming, and the preview below provides a solid teaser to his wit and wisdom. (Also, check out the two provocative essays Eliot has published on Grist.)