Dear Grist Nation,
Perhaps you saw our saucy little preview of the refurbished last week. If not, surprise! Do you now find us hotter and more irresistible than ever before? We hope so.
Our new homepage makes it easier to get your eyeballs on our juicy journalism, astute advice, newsy nuggets, and hot-off-the-press posts from your favorite Grist voices. No wait, no layers, no convoluted searching required.
We’re especially happy to introduce the new Grist List. It’s a one-stop, can’t-miss collection of the stories that matter the most each day. It’s the news you need even if (OK, especially if) you have only a few minutes to nourish your brain.
We’re also pleased to offer, at long last, an iPhone version of Grist. Because we know it was getting tough to lug that laptop into the bathroom. See, we’re nothing if not considerate! We have more mobile options in the works, so keep an eye out.
I want to thank the entire Grist team for the hard work that made these changes possible, and especially our diligent, creative, saintly technology team. We’d be lost without them.
With spring in full swing and our new look unveiled, we’re excited to bring you even more stories that show what’s wrong with the world, what’s right with it, and how you can make it better. Because we Gristers have one pretty giant goal: to save our planet one reader, one action, one neighborhood at a time.
Got feedback on our site or an idea for a story? Let us know in the comments below — I’ll be checking back regularly.
And please tell all your friends about us — and help us bring more people on board by following us on Facebook and Twitter. After all, if we’re going to turn this planetary ship around, we’ll need all hands on deck.
Yours from Grist Central,
Chip Giller
Founder & President, Grist