New York is a big city, and most of its residents really hate driving (for good reason). So it seems appropriate that the city's planned bikeshare program, launching next summer, will be by far the largest in the U.S. Its 10,000 bikes will dwarf the 1,100 available from D.C.'s Capital Bikeshare, currently the country's largest. And the range will go from the Upper West Side all the way down into Brooklyn.
None of the roughly 600 planned bike stations have fixed locations yet, but wherever they are, they're going to end up increasing the utility of New York's already highly functional public transit system. Once you get off the subway, you can hop on a bike to your destination — the first 30 minutes are free. Different levels of subscription will make the bike-share customizeable — tourists can get day passes, commuters can sign on for a year. All of this is basically how bikeshares in other cities work; New York will be the same, only SUPER GIANT.