Whether Mass. is the most liberal state in the union is open for discussion. But I can tell you that ex-Governor Mitt Romney really pissed a lot of us folks off two years ago when he pulled the state out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the first multi-state program to reduce carbon emissions. But as of today our new guv has us back on track — it feels good to be moving in the right direction again!

Ace grassroots group Mass. Climate Action Network has been pushing for Governor Patrick to also signal his support for selling 100% of the program’s pollution permits to electricity generators (probably through an auction), with the proceeds invested in energy efficiency and other consumer benefits. This wish seems to have come true, too.

Good show for an ex-Texaco man! Today’s signing was one of Gov Patrick’s campaign promises; another is improving the state’s flagging economy with growth of the renewable energy sector. Keen to see where this goes …
