Pop-rock quintet Barenaked Ladies is back on the road, touring through Canada after returning from their Ships and Dip cruise last month, and getting a bit of press about their efforts to be green(ish). Grist, of course, was all over that story last year.

A few stats from the fall B.L.A.M. tour:

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  • Fans neutralized almost 1 million miles of driving by participating in the band’s offset program.
  • The band itself neutralized 300 tons of CO2 by offsetting all of the power consumed at the fall concerts.

In the U.S., the band partnered with NativeEnergy for offsets. For the Canadian portion of the tour, they’re working with Zerofootprint for their travel offsets and Bullfrog Power for electricity offsets.

But the band is doing more than just carbon offsets in an effort to introduce their fans to environmental issues and be greener themselves. Check out my interview with singer-guitarist Steven Page (pictured above in his Prius) for details.