A Think Outside the Bottle campaign kicked off today, urging municipal governments to cut off bottled-water contracts and to press for greater disclosure of the source of bottled H2O. The campaign is spearheaded by Corporate Accountability International and joined by cities including Boston, Minneapolis, Sacramento, and Portland, Ore., many of which held taste tests today to see if consumers can tell the difference between bottled and tap water. Chicago’s mayor urged a 10-cent tax on bottled water, while Salt Lake City Mayor (and official Grist crush) Rocky Anderson told it like it is: “When I see people … waste their money buying bottled water at the vending [machine] when it’s standing right next to a water faucet, you really have to wonder at the utter stupidity and the responsibility sometimes of American consumers.” Not to be outdone, the International Bottled Water Association issued a press release stating that the campaign is “based on factual errors and subjective viewpoints.”