The year 1999 has been the planet’s fifth warmest since consistent global record-keeping began in 1860, Britain’s Meteorological Office reported today. Temperatures around the world in 1999 were about 0.33 degrees Celsius higher than the average for 1961 to 1990, and about 0.7 degrees C higher than temperatures at the end of the last century. Seven of the 10 hottest recorded years have been in the 1990s, and 1998 was the hottest year of all, the Meteorological Office said. Canada can claim some credit for pushing temperatures up: The country pumped out 1.5 percent more greenhouse gases in 1997 than in 1996, bringing its 1997 emissions to 13 percent above 1990 levels, the nation’s environment department announced this week. The Canadian cabinet is considering a five-year, $1.08 billion plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but enviros worry that it won’t get full funding.