One of the troubles in discussing the issues of fear and violence is that any attempt to condemn them, or suggest alternatives, is inevitably cast as fuzzy-headed and idealistic. It doesn’t help that such attempts tend to attract the genuinely fuzzy-headed and idealistic.
I hoped my F&E posts had done something to circumvent that.
Then yesterday, I got a letter in the mail that began thusly:
Dear Mr. Roberts,
Greetings! The Presence who speaks to us empathetically in our mind and who guides us in His work, brought us to an article you wrote called, "Fear and Environmentalism." We read the entire article and then He asked us to write you and share what He has given us to share with our people.
For the record, He is Delamer Duverus. He is, I’m told, a "Leukocyte in the Body of the Living God." Legend has it he originally revealed himself to a man, who later wrote the original text, and was later still killed by "the shadow government," which "sprayed him with poisons" with their "black, unmarked helicopters" in rural Arkansas. You can learn more about Him and His wackadoo followers here.