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Grist readers,
Can you imagine Austin Powers without his Shaguar? Or Maxwell Smart without the shoe phone? Grist can’t go far without the right tech tools, either.
Your donation — as little as $5 — will help Grist stay on the cutting edge.
We have just 12 more days to outwit the nasty eco-villains threatening to tamper with our green news machine. And your support won’t just thwart foes and give a boost to our clever journalists. You will make it possible for developers like me to keep Grist running smoothly. You won’t see us at work — most of our missions take place in a secret bunker — but we’re the great brains behind this operation, and we’re the reason you get your green news where you want it, when you want it. Instant gratification at its finest!
So give us a bit or a byte — and speaking of gadgets, if you make a donation of $50 or more, you could score a Nest learning thermostat! And your $50-plus gift will be matched by a generous supporter.
Grist readers, we have just two weeks to make sure these evil-doers experience a critical failure. Make a donation today to help us reach our goal of 2,500 donations by Dec. 11.
Nathan Letsinger
Quartermaster and Web Developer
P.S. Did we mention that gifts of $50 or more will be matched by a generous, anonymous ally?
P.P.S. Rather not give online? You’re also welcome to send a check: Grist, 710 Second Avenue, Suite 860, Seattle, WA 98104.