Check out this story in The Guardian on the tensions emerging on the religious right. It’s got lots of juicy stuff, but like everyone else, I’m going straight to the money quote:

In his office in Washington DC, Rich Cizik, vice-president of the National Association of Evangelicals, the largest such umbrella group in the US, is also feeling battered. His mistake has been to become interested in the environment, and he has been told that is not on the religious right’s agenda.

"It is supposed to be counterproductive even to consider this. I guess they do not want to part company with the president. This is nothing more than political assassination. I may lose my job. Twenty-five church leaders asked me not to take a political position on this issue but I am a fighter," [Cizik] said.

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Another Washington lobbyist on the religious right told the Guardian: "Rich is just being stupid on this issue. There may be a debate to be had but … people can only sustain so many moral movements in their lifetime. Is God really going to let the Earth burn up?"

Is God really going to let the Earth burn up? If I were Him and such people were representing me, I’d consider it.

Carpetbagger and Kevin Drum have more.