buffy-stake-inside.jpgBuffy is back in Climate Progress. I’ll take any excuse!

Turns out former Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar is green, or at least green-tinged, like those monsters she used to fight.

She brings her own reusable bag to Whole Foods. Why? “So I get a discount.” Okay so the millionaire actress is cheap frugal. You got a problem with that?

She also rides a bike, to the annoyance of her neighbors:

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Not only is it bright pink with the bell and streamers and the whole thing, but it has Hello Kitty tires. Every time I leave my apartment, my doorman just shakes his head.

Interestingly, some of the demons on Buffy spin-off Angel were also green, figuratively speaking. For the sake of its vampire employees, the Los Angeles offices of Wolfram & Hart employ “necro-tempered” tinted glass, which “filters out the constituents of sunlight that are dangerous to vampires while leaving the brightness intact. Plus it’s thirty percent more energy efficient!”

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And you thought TV was a vast wasteland.
