Dear Grist Nation,

Spoiler alert: We’ve updated our website! OK, anyone with two eyes, at least one finger, and a nose for the best in green news can tell we’ve launched our latest major redesign — and we think it’s our best yet. The photos and videos are bigger and bolder. The text is crisper and larger. The orange is orangier!

Chances are you’ve seen it already: We introduced our sleek, distraction-free new look to mobile and tablet users earlier this year. And now we’ve brought this responsive design to our desktop. Grist looks stellar no matter what size device you view it on.

This gradual extreme makeover reflects how experimentation, constant trial and error, and user experience remain core to our mission of making sure all eyes are on the planet. We asked for your feedback, and when you said, “Get the hell out of the way so I can read,” we did our best to remove all clutter so you can focus on our irreverent blend of in-depth reporting, green advice, and apocalyptic comic relief.

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What else is new on the site? Grist now goes to infinity (and beyond). When you reach the end of every thought-provoking or giggle-inducing post, our “infinite scroll” brings the homepage display right to you, showing every recent article we’ve published, as far back as you want to go. Your next favorite story is just a click away. It isn’t magic, but it sure looks like it.

I’d like to take an extra second to thank tech and design wizards Nathan Letsinger, Mignon Khargie, and Ben Shewmaker (and ex-wizard Ben Brooks) for their tireless work and boundless creativity in making this all happen. We’re lucky to have them.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

But our work has just begun. We’ve still got a few rough edges to polish (look, there’s one now!), and more new features in the pipeline. Please take our poll and tell us what you think of our redesign, and let us know what more we could do to make Grist even better.

Yours from the Grist Mothership,

Chip Giller

Founder & CEO

P.S. Remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to our emails — and tell all your friends to do the same!